Saturday, March 29, 2008


Treatment for this can differ in many ways and is dependent upon a number of factors.The doctor, once a diagnosis is made, will make a recommendation based upon details such as: the extent of cancer and how advanced it is; the patient's general condition and health; past medical history of the patient; and the patients age. Treatment however include:

(1) {SURGERY}:

This entails cutting the out part of the linings and tissues from the abdomen in order to remove the tumour. Whether or not surgery will be required and how much tissue is removed will depend on how far the cancer has spread and how big the tumour is. It may sometimes be necessary to remove aline or part of the diaphragm in order for surgery to succeed in the removal Peritoneal Mesothelioma tumour.


This is where high energy x-rays are used to shrink tumours and kill cancerous cells in the affected area.There are two way to administer radiation therapy. The first is through external means, where a machine is placed outside the body and emits radiation through the body. The second is by placing a source of radiation directly to the affected areas by way of of plastic tubes. As well as administering the radiation therapy through the tubes; doctors are also able to administer any required drugs this way.


Here,a combination of drugs is used to try and kill off the cancer cells.Drugs can be administered by mouth in tablet form, or you have the administered intravenously via needle into a vein or a muscle. The drug can then enter the blood stream and travel through through the body, hopefully killing off any cancerous cell along the way.



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